Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ahh, winter

The last few days have been interesting. It's been pretty cold, which isn't a huge problem on its own; as long as it's dead calm outside, you draw all the shades properly, and you don't turn on any fans, the temperature in the apartment stays livable. Uncomfortable, but livable.

Unfortunately, the wind has been blowing like crazy. I never realized before now the sheer level of draftiness here. Perhaps I was simply not looking for it before.

There are of course the obvious candidates of the sliding glass door and the seals around the heating units. But the real surprise was the kitchen: apparently the space behind the dishwasher and garbage disposal is connected directly to the large utility space between the walls. That utility space is cold as hell and the wind pushes it all into the kitchen.

It never really occurred to me to block off the kitchen of all places, but doing so has helped the heat situation a lot. Just another helpful tip from an 800 building resident!

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