Saturday, January 2, 2010

Louisville New Year

It is freezing in here. A steady stream of cold flows from the windows down the inside of the blinds, and coats the floor in a two foot thick layer of 40 degree air. The heater points upward, and toward the ceiling the temperature is a balmy 70 or so. It's not even windy out; it's simply colder than the operating capacity of the building.

Ironically, this is a better situation than if I turn on the overhead fan. Within an hour, the fan would have the temperature equalized pretty much floor to ceiling; yet at that point the entire place would be below 60 degrees. At least as things are now, you don't freeze when you're standing, and my bed is about four feet off the ground so I sleep well. If you wear thermal underwear on your lower half, it helps tremendously.

On the plus side, I can do most of my work from the bedroom, and the bedroom is buttoned up a lot tighter than the living room. It has a lot less glass, and the curtains I have are very solid and drag the floor. Coupled with a barrier of storage boxes and furniture to keep the cold air overflow contained, I can actually keep the bedroom at a reasonable temperature. If I keep the door closed.

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